Everyone is welcome on Sundays 10am at the King's Church Building, Brooks Road, Lewes
You can also listen to our Sunday Messages on our Media page.

What to expect on Sundays
We meet 10am Sunday mornings at our building in Brooks Road until about 11:30am, followed by social time and refreshments for those who are able to stay.
Our service is made up of Bible Teaching, Worship Songs, Contributions and Prayers, alongside separate activities for 0-18s (see below).
Things are very relaxed and informal at King's. You are welcome to join in as much or as little as you feel comfortable to do. Some just come to sit and listen, while looking into the Christian Faith.
We are a church made up of all kinds of people, from all sorts of backgrounds, whose lives have been changed by the love of Jesus. Anyone is welcome!

Kids & Youth
King's Church is a church for people of all ages. Children and youth of all ages are welcome at our Sunday Services.
Organised activities for Children aged 0-11 run every Sunday. Younger children are welcome to stay with their parents/carers during the service.
Our Youth Group is led by our youth team and full-time youth worker (school years 7-11). Their Sunday morning sessions run each week at the Church Building. It's a relaxed, friendly and fun time which includes games and activities, as well as prayer, discussion and Bible teaching. The group also meets on other days and for events and social activities.
Please contact us if you would like to know more about our current youth activities at office@kingschurchlewes.org