There's always lots to get involved with throughout the week. Come along, try something new and make some new friends at one of our groups. Everyone is welcome.

There are several ways to get involved with our youth group for secondary school aged children. The group meets during the week and for regular social activities. It also meets during our Sunday morning service. It is a relaxed, friendly and fun group and includes all kinds of games and activities, as well as prayer, discussion and Bible teaching.
Twice a term on Fridays (7 - 9pm) we host a youth club called KYC, which provides a space for the youth to hang out, play games and have the opportunity to explore more about the Christian Faith.
All of our youth events are run by our youth team which includes our full-time youth worker.
Contact us to find out more.

King's Tots
King’s Tots is a fun and friendly group for parents and carers and their pre-school children. We provide a safe, exciting play experience in the context of a warm and welcoming atmosphere where parents & carers are free to relax and meet new people. As well as plenty of time to play, the morning also includes a story time and a singing time. King's Tots meets every Thursday in school term-time from 9.30am to 11.30am in the mornings, at our building in Brooks Road. There is a waiting list, so if you are interested in coming along please contact us to arrange a taster session or to add your child’s name to the list.

Keep fit
Come and join us as we follow a keep fit DVD on our big screen together. There is plenty of space to move around and you set your own pace. Gym mats and weights provided. It's fun, free and has easy to follow moves. All ages and fitness levels welcome and you are welcome to bring your children too.
Meets most Mondays from 9.30am to 10.30am and also from 8pm to 9pm. Contact us to find out more.

Art & Craft
An informal weekly workshop for all abilities to come and paint, draw or make crafts. Materials can be provided, and friendly encouragement and advice is always on hand.
Meets Thursday afternoons from 12.30pm to 3.15pm, during term-time. For more details contact us.

An informal weekly workshop for beginners or intermediates to learn knitting or improve their knitting in a friendly atmosphere with refreshments.
Bring your own knitting materials but advice and guidance are always on hand from more experienced knitters.
Meets 10:30am – 12:30pm Wednesdays at King's Church. All welcome! Contact Us for more details.

Community Choir
Our community choir is fun and friendly and singers of all abilities are welcome. No experience is necessary and there is no audition to join. The choir normally rehearses in late autumn towards a performance at Christmas. They have also performed at Easter and in the Summer some years. Contact us to find out more.